Seminar Room Rental

The Groomers Loft - rental cost
- $100 for half day session
- $200 for full day session
Please click this link to pay for the booking: Box Office for The Groomer's Loft
The Groomers Loft - inclusive
- tea, coffee, sugar, napkin, paper cups, kettle (please bring your own milk)
- TV on stand, white board on stand
- 5-6 trestle tables
- 50 chairs
- 1 grooming table for speaker
Fair wear and tear is acceptable, however user will be responsible for the damages to the furniture or to the room.
The Groomers Loft - optional rental for hands on
- Please contact us as early as possible to confirm the details shall you require rent tables for hands on seminar, or attendees can bring their own tables.
- Small / Medium folding table - $25 per table, with or without grooming arm
- Hydraulic / electric table - to be quoted
The Groomers Loft - terms and conditions, users must agree our terms and conditions in order to proceed
- Users are responsible for their own insurance cover for using this space at all time.
- Users are responsible for maintenaining the space at good condition, and tidy up after using the space. $50+ cleaning fees may apply.
- Rubbish needs to be removed and put into correct bins outside the building.
- Furniture or devices need to put back to original location after use, $50+ cleaning fees may apply.
- Floor needs to be vacumm if there visibble rubbish on the floor, $50+ cleaning fees may apply.
- Lights, airconditioner need to be turned off before use.
- Users are responsbile for any damages to the space and associated equipment and furniture.
We set this rental fee in 2017 and it still remain the same till now, we are trying to maintain the low rental cost to make your grooming event more affordable and encourage more use of this space, please follow the terms and conditions when using the room to show your respect in return, thank you!
(last edited on 7.12.2023)